Tuesday, February 22, 2011

The Hands Free Leash

Problem: Have ever been walking multiple dogs at once with each one pulling you in a different direction, and having a hard time holding on to multiple leashes at once? Walking multiple dogs at once can be difficult, especially when the dogs are large.

Idea Generations: Introducing “The Hands Free Leash” a revolutionary new product that allows dog owners to walk multiple dogs at once without having to handle multiple leashes. The Hands Free Leash, features a band that dog owners secure around their waste which features either three, five, or ten leashes in the front that allows dog walkers to comfortably walk there dogs with their hands free to do other things.

Idea Screening: Before spending thousands of dollars are spent on marketing campaigns and promotions, you have to first determine if people will actually buy the product. Research reveals that people who own multiple dogs or are dog walkers for a profession, will buy this product because it gives them freedom to do things like texting and photography. Research also determined that a fair price for the product is $10 for the three leash Hands Free Leash, $15 for the five leash Hands Free Leash, and $20 for the ten leash Hands Free Leash.

Business Analysis: People are always trying to find new and easier ways to perform everyday tasks. People are also always trying to find ways to be more productive so they can do the things they enjoy such as texting and updating Facebook. With “The Hands Free Leash,” people can be productive and do the things they need to do like walk the dog, but be free to do things they want to do like update Facebook and text. In a generation that is obsessed with always being in contact this product allows people to stay in the loop while doing the things they need to do.

Development: The Hands Free Leash has a very simple design. The Hands Free Leash is constructed from a leather belt and chains for the leashes. This consists of a leather band that secures around a dog walkers waist (much like a belt) that feature three, five and ten chain leashes sewn into the belt.

Test Market: A few types of the leashes can be used featuring different types of material to determine which material is more comfortable and stylish. These prototypes will be sent to local stores such as Wal Mart, Target, and Petco that feature a wide variety of customers that are looking for a cheaper, multi functional product. The feedback from the companies selling the product as well as the sales generated from the product will help us to determine how successful the product will be.

Commercialization: We will advertise the product through in store advertisement, internet, magazine advertisements, Facebook, and word of mouth. This product fits the market needs, it allows people to accomplish things they need to do while still being able to do the things they want to do like text.

April Wall

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